








来源:https://www.zishangliaojiaobanji.cn 日期:2020-09-03 发布人:admin
概述:混凝土搅拌车在驾驶中缓加油,按转速车速使用合适的挡位,操作柔和不强硬,这样既节约油料又对车辆好 。这样既节约了开支又保证了车辆的安
混凝土搅拌车在驾驶中缓加油,按转速车速使用合适的挡位,操作柔和不强硬,这样既节约油料又对车辆好 。这样既节约了开支又保证了车辆的使用 。油、水、液干净和不滴漏保持使用标准,是车辆使用延长使用寿命的关键保证 。保证车辆的油、液、滤的干净和使用要求 。购车后,车辆的保养维护可分为两部分,一是在保修期内,要按使用说明书进行保养和维修,否则厂家就不再免赔或修理 。
When the concrete mixer truck is driving, it should use the appropriate gear according to the speed and speed, and the operation is soft and not tough, which not only saves fuel but also is good for the vehicle. This not only saves the expenses, but also ensures the safe use of vehicles. Oil, water, liquid clean and no drip, maintain the use standard, is the key to ensure the safe use of vehicles and prolong the service life. Ensure that the oil, liquid and filter of the vehicle are clean and use requirements. After the purchase of the car, the maintenance of the vehicle can be divided into two parts. One is to carry out maintenance and repair according to the operation manual during the warranty period, otherwise the manufacturer will no longer be exempted from compensation or repair.
有时车出现一些疑难杂症,可在正规大厂检查,而后到和自己有关系的厂子修理 。二是平时洗车、打蜡全部由自己做,这样既节约了开支又锻炼了身体,而且活做的比洗车店要精细得多;三是勤检查维护,每周都要对机油、防冻液、刹车油、电瓶等部位进行检查,发现问题及时,车轮每一万自己动手换位 。建立车辆使用档案并随车携带 。搅拌车
Sometimes the car has some problems, can be checked in a regular factory, and then to their own factory repair. Second, the car washing and waxing are all done by ourselves, which not only saves the expenses but also exercises the body, and the work is much more delicate than that of the car wash shop; the third is to check and maintain the car frequently, check the engine oil, antifreeze, brake oil, battery and other parts every week, and solve the problems in time, and change the wheel position every 10000 km. Establish vehicle use files and carry them with the vehicle. Price of mixer truck
混凝土搅拌车零配件的使用有选择 。油耗情况、行驶路况、自己的感受也记上档案 。但一定要选好对象 。总之有关车辆使用的情况全部要记清、记准 。如:刹车片、缸线、火花塞等要用正品,并开具收据以备有问题后查找;像水箱、大灯、保险杠、装饰条等都用的是付厂的件,效果一样 。
The use of spare parts for concrete mixer truck is optional. Fuel consumption, driving conditions and personal feelings are also recorded in the file. But we must choose the right people. In a word, all information about the use of vehicles should be kept in mind. For example, the brake pads, cylinder lines, spark plugs, etc. should be genuine, and a receipt should be issued for finding problems; for example, water tanks, headlights, bumpers, decorative strips, etc. are all made of parts paid to the factory, with the same effect.
车辆维修和更换零配件我有一个原则就是:关键、重要的零配件要使用正品在正规的地方购买,外围件、次要的零配件可使用付品或配套厂的产品 。如:我的车子曾一度故障灯亮,一直找不到原因排除不了,后来找了个正规的汽修厂用电脑一检测,是节气门位置传感器坏了,自己在汽配城买了一个在与自己有关系的修车厂装上一切都好了,也没有花修理费 。档案还要认真记下每次轮胎换位的数,机油、防冻液、刹车液更换的数和时间,以便下次更换时查用 。
I have a principle for vehicle maintenance and parts replacement: the key and important parts should be purchased in regular places with genuine products, and peripheral parts and minor parts can be purchased with paid products or products from supporting factories. For example: my car once had a fault light on, but I couldn't find out the cause. Later, I found a regular garage and used a computer to detect it. It was the throttle position sensor that was broken. I bought one in the auto parts city and installed it in a garage related to myself. Everything was ok, and I didn't have to pay for the repair. The file should also carefully record the mileage of each tire rotation, the mileage and time of oil, antifreeze and brake fluid change, so that it can be checked and used next time.
档案上有:行驶数、维修保养(论坛)内容、维修保养时间、备注等,每次维修保养后都把当时行驶的数、维修保养的情况(包括三滤的更换、配件的更换、修理部位故障情况及修理后的状态、维修时间、下步注意事项等)如实记录在案 。机油每5000之前必换,汽油每次油箱剩余三分之一时要加满,齿轮油每5万必换,刹车油每2万必换,防冻液3万必换,空气滤清器、汽油滤清器都要按时更换
The files include: mileage, maintenance (Forum) content, maintenance time, remarks, etc. after each maintenance, the mileage and maintenance situation (including the replacement of three filters, replacement of accessories, fault condition of repair parts and the state after repair, repair time, and next step precautions) are recorded truthfully. The engine oil must be replaced every 5000 km, the remaining one third of the gasoline tank should be filled every time, the gear oil should be changed every 50000 km, the brake oil should be changed every 20000 km, the antifreeze should be changed 30000 km, and the air filter and gasoline filter should be replaced on time

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